“Linking Hands” a Cancer Support Quilt.
Breast Cancer. We all know it in some form. It touches everyone’s lives, whether it be directly ourselves, or our mothers, our aunties, our sisters, our daughters, our friends…
14 years ago I lost my sister, Lisa, to breast cancer and those tough memories were made fresh in my mind earlier this year, a very dear friend Sharon, was diagnosed and had her breast removed.
I turned to quilting for comfort and as I worked with my fabrics my thoughts were on the quilt I had made for my sister all those years ago. That quilt was too big and heavy for Lisa’s sensitive body when she was undergoing treatments, but the making of it gave me comfort and the thought behind it gave her comfort. And I wanted to do something similar for Sharon.
I was trialling a pattern my friend Cheryl Phillips from Phillips Fiber Art had designed .It was just perfect in that it conveys what I was wanting to show Sharon.
She is in the centre, surrounded by her closest friends, who are linking hands and encircling her in a web of support, with those friends in turn supported by others. It’s made with a 15 Degree squedge tool designed by Cheryl. It will be small enough to take to a Chemo session or just to snuggle under at home and the symbolism behind the pattern clearly illustrates what I want to say to her – “we’re here for you.”
Then I thought perhaps I can do something for Sharon AND many other women too who are touched in some way by this hideous disease by giving back to those that helped Lisa and was currently helping our friend.
So here’s my idea:
Buy the squedge tool that I used to make Sharon’s quilt from my website and I’ll donate $10.00 from every tool sold to The New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation.
You’ll be able to download the free pattern of how to make Sharon’s quilt from my website and Cheryl will have it on her site www.phillipsfiberart.com
Perhaps you’d like to make a quilt for someone you know going through a tough time? Or perhaps you can make a beautiful quilt for yourself to remind you of the circles of friends and family you have surrounding you.
The New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation:
Our vision is to prevent New Zealanders developing and dying from breast cancer and to improve the quality of life of those who have the disease. The money we receive helps us achieve this vision through; early detection education, supporting those with breast cancer, research & medical grants and advocacy.